3 Best Practices to Ideate Creative Experiential Marketing Concepts

 "The only source of knowledge is experience."- Albert Einstein

The powerful creative experiential marketing concepts urge attention while encouraging participants to learn about your brand or product in an engaging and fun manner.

The secret is designing an authentic and compelling experience that persuades participants to take action.

When done correctly, a creative experiential concept is unique and resonates with the right target audience. Those participants feel compelled to support your specific targets by performing things such as redeeming a coupon, making a purchase, or sharing a photo.

But how do you ideate an eye-catching experiential marketing concept that lures the right people to join?

Here’s how to generate a creative concept:

  • Work Backward

  1. First, determine your target audience, goals, and success metrics.
  2. Work backward defines how participants' actions help you attain such goals.
  3. The main goal is to create awareness.
  4. The Concept for the Consumer. Design for the participant!
  5. Consider your ideal consumers, their interests, and desires. What do they like the most? Knowing this connects brands to them.

  • Keep it Simple

  1. The more complicated the idea concept, the more complex it will be for participants to understand. Thus, keep everything simple.
  2. Surprise and Delight
  3. The memorable experiences generate from activities that provide unexpected rewards or advantages. Give participants a taste of creativity or access to choose activities.

  • Hyper personalize

  1. A hyper-personalized experience has a significant impact and entices people to share it. Consider going for new and innovative ways to let people feel it.

Hire experiential marketing services to get the creative idea concept!

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